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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.U2D; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.U2D; public class PackageAtlas { private static string PackPath = Config.PackPath; private static string AssetDataPath = Config.AssetDataPath; public static void PackAtlas() { string path = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, AssetDataPath); List<DirectoryInfo> atlasPaths = SearchAtlasPath(path); foreach (var str in atlasPaths) { GenAtlas(str, str.Parent.FullName); } } public static void RemoveAtlas() { string path = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, AssetDataPath); List<DirectoryInfo> atlasPaths = SearchAtlasPath(path); foreach (var str in atlasPaths) { DeleteAtlas(str, str.Parent.FullName); } } private static void GenAtlas(DirectoryInfo info,string AtlasPath) { FileInfo[] files = info.GetFiles(); if (files.Length <= 0) return; string atlasName = info.Name; string filePath = Path.Combine(AtlasPath, atlasName); string atlasPath = UtilityTool.ChangePath(filePath) + ".spriteatlas"; CreateAtlas(atlasPath); SpriteAtlas sa = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SpriteAtlas>(atlasPath); SetSpriteAtlas(sa); List<Sprite> sprites = GetAllSprite(files); SpriteAtlasExtensions.Add(sa, sprites.ToArray()); SpriteAtlasUtility.PackAtlases(new[] { sa }, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); foreach (var dirs in info.GetDirectories()) { GenAtlas(dirs, AtlasPath); } } private static void DeleteAtlas(DirectoryInfo info, string AtlasPath) { string atlasName = info.Name; string filePath = Path.Combine(AtlasPath, atlasName); string atlasPath = UtilityTool.ChangePath(filePath) + ".spriteatlas"; string atlasFullPath = filePath + ".spriteatlas"; if (File.Exists(atlasFullPath)) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(atlasPath); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } foreach (var dirs in info.GetDirectories()) { DeleteAtlas(dirs, AtlasPath); } } private static void CreateAtlas(string path) { SpriteAtlas sa = new SpriteAtlas(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(sa, path); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } public static List<DirectoryInfo> SearchAtlasPath(string path) { List<DirectoryInfo> list = new List<DirectoryInfo>(); UtilityTool.GetAllDir(list, path, PackPath); return list; } private static List<Sprite> GetAllSprite(FileInfo[] infos) { List<Sprite> list = new List<Sprite>(); foreach (var info in infos) { if (info.Extension == ".meta") continue; string path = UtilityTool.ChangePath( Path.Combine(info.Directory.FullName, info.Name) ); Sprite sp = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Sprite>(path); list.Add(sp); } return list; } private static void SetSpriteAtlas(SpriteAtlas atlas) { TextureImporterCompression type = TextureImporterCompression.CompressedLQ; TextureImporterFormat _format = TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_6x6; // 设置参数 可根据项目具体情况进行设置 SpriteAtlasPackingSettings packSetting = new SpriteAtlasPackingSettings() { blockOffset = 1, enableRotation = false, enableTightPacking = false, padding = 2, }; atlas.SetPackingSettings(packSetting); SpriteAtlasTextureSettings textureSetting = new SpriteAtlasTextureSettings() { readable = false, generateMipMaps = false, sRGB = true, filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear, }; atlas.SetTextureSettings(textureSetting); TextureImporterPlatformSettings platformSetting = new TextureImporterPlatformSettings() { name = "Android", maxTextureSize = 1024, format = _format, overridden = true, }; atlas.SetPlatformSettings(platformSetting); platformSetting = new TextureImporterPlatformSettings() { name = "iPhone", maxTextureSize = 1024, format = _format, overridden = true, }; atlas.SetPlatformSettings(platformSetting); } } |
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--[[ fd: lru cache 算法 (to be insert)<--newest----------------->oldest local LruCache = require("libs.Struct.LruCache") ]] --indices of tuples local VALUE = 1 local PREV = 2 local NEXT = 3 local KEY = 4 local BYTES = 5 local M = Class("LruCache") function M:ctor(max_size, max_bytes, pop_cb, check_can_pop_func) assert(max_size > 1, "max_size must be >= 1") assert(not max_bytes or max_bytes >= 1, "max_bytes must be >= 1 or nil") self.max_size = max_size self.max_bytes = max_bytes --current size self.size = 0 --the bytes used self.bytes_used = 0 --callback self.pop_cb = pop_cb self.check_can_pop_func = check_can_pop_func --map is a hash map from keys to tuples --tuple: value, prev, next, key, bytes --prev and next are pointer to tuples self.map = {} self.newest = nil -- first self.oldest = nil -- last end --当需要删除时回调函数 function M:SetPopCallback(func) self.pop_cb = func end --接口,用于给调用者确定是否可以删除 function M:SetCheckCanPopCallback(func) self.check_can_pop_func = func end --添加元素 function M:Add(key, value, bytes) self:Set(key, value, bytes) end --设置元素 function M:Set(key, value, bytes) assert(key ~= nil, "key cannot be nil") local tuple = self.map[key] if tuple then self:__Del(key, tuple) end if value ~= nil then --the value is not removed bytes = bytes or 0 self:__MakeFreeSpace(bytes) local tuple1 = tuple or {} self.map[key] = tuple1 tuple1[VALUE] = value tuple1[KEY] = key tuple1[BYTES] = bytes self.size = self.size + 1 self.bytes_used = self.bytes_used + bytes self:__SetNewest(tuple1) else --证明是要设置key对应的值为空,将tuple中的值置为Nil if tuple then self:__ClearTuple(tuple) end end end --获取值 会触发lru算法 function M:Get(key) local tuple = self.map[key] if not tuple then return nil end self:__Cut(tuple) self:__SetNewest(tuple) return tuple[VALUE] end --获取值,只获取但不会触发lru算法 function M:OnlyGet(key) local tuple = self.map[key] if not tuple then return nil end return tuple[VALUE] end --获取最旧的一个值, 只获取但不会触发lru算法 function M:OnlyGetOldest() if self.oldest then return self.oldest[VALUE] end end --是否被缓存 function M:IsCached(key) return self.map[key] and true or false end --删除 function M:Remove(key) self:Set(key, nil) end --遍历 newest -> oldest function M:Traverse(func) local tuple = self.newest while true do if tuple == nil then break end func(tuple[KEY], tuple[VALUE]) tuple = tuple[NEXT] end end function M:GetSize() return self.size end function M:GetBytesSize() return self.bytes_used end function M:Clear() local tuple = self.newest while true do if tuple == nil then break end tuple_next = tuple[NEXT] self:__ClearTuple(tuple) tuple = tuple_next end self.map = {} self.size = 0 self.bytes_used = 0 self.newest = nil self.oldest = nil end function M:__ClearTuple(tuple) tuple[PREV] = nil tuple[NEXT] = nil tuple[VALUE] = nil tuple[BYTES] = nil tuple[KEY] = nil end -- remove a tuple from linked list function M:__Cut(tuple) local tuple_prev = tuple[PREV] local tuple_next = tuple[NEXT] tuple[PREV] = nil tuple[NEXT] = nil if tuple_prev and tuple_next then tuple_prev[NEXT] = tuple_next tuple_next[PREV] = tuple_prev elseif tuple_prev then --tuple is the oldest element tuple_prev[NEXT] = nil self.oldest = tuple_prev elseif tuple_next then --tuple is the newest element tuple_next[PREV] = nil self.newest = tuple_next else --tuple is the only element self.newest = nil self.oldest = nil end end --insert a tuple to newest end function M:__SetNewest(tuple) if not self.newest then self.newest = tuple self.oldest = tuple else tuple[NEXT] = self.newest self.newest[PREV] = tuple self.newest = tuple end end function M:__Del(key, tuple) self.map[key] = nil self:__Cut(tuple) self.size = self.size - 1 self.bytes_used = self.bytes_used - (tuple[BYTES] or 0) end --remotes elements to provide enough memory --returns last removed element or nil function M:__MakeFreeSpace(bytes) local tuple = self.oldest local max_check_free_times = 10 -- max check free times for avoid no tuple can free cause iterator much times local cur_check_free_time = 0 while self.size + 1 > self.max_size or (self.max_bytes and self.bytes_used + bytes > self.max_bytes) do if not tuple then break end local tuple_prev = tuple[PREV] if self.check_can_pop_func == nil or self.check_can_pop_func(tuple[KEY], tuple[VALUE]) then --can pop self:__Del(tuple[KEY], tuple) if self.pop_cb then self.pop_cb(tuple[KEY], tuple[VALUE]) end else --the host say cannot pop cur_check_free_time = cur_check_free_time + 1 if cur_check_free_time > max_check_free_times then if Config.Debug then -- zerror("lru cache detect check_free time is too much, please check code") end break end end tuple = tuple_prev end end return M |
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local ManagerBase = require("Frame.Base.Manager.ManagerBase") local M = Class("Manager.ImageLoaderManager",ManagerBase) local LruCache = require("Frame.Libs.Struct.LruCache") local CSGameObject = CS.UnityEngine.GameObject local ATLAS_KEY = "/Atlas/" function M:Init() self.single_sprite_cache = LruCache.New(100) self.sprite_atlas_cache = LruCache.New(20) self:InitSingleSpriteCache() self:InitSpriteAtlasCache() end function M:InitSingleSpriteCache( ) self.single_sprite_cache:SetCheckCanPopCallback(function(key,value) return value.ref_count == 0 end) self.single_sprite_cache:SetPopCallback(function(key,value) AddressableManager:GetInstance():ReleaseObject(value.asset) value.asset = nil value.ref_count = 0 end) end function M:InitSpriteAtlasCache() self.sprite_atlas_cache:SetCheckCanPopCallback(function(key,value) return value.ref_count == 0 end) self.single_sprite_cache:SetPopCallback(function(key,value) if value.subassets then for k,v in pairs(value.subassets) do CSGameObject.Destroy(v.asset) v.asset = nil v.ref_count = nil end end AddressableManager:GetInstance():ReleaseObject(value.asset) value.asset = nil value.ref_count = 0 end) end --加载图片 function M:LoadSprite(sprite_path, callback) coroutine.start(function() local sprite = self:CoLoadSprite(sprite_path) callback(sprite, sprite_path) end) end function M:CoLoadSprite(sprite_path) local is_atlas, asset_path, sub_name = self:__GetSpriteInfo(sprite_path) if is_atlas then local atlas = nil local cache_a = self.sprite_atlas_cache:Get(asset_path) if cache_a then if IsNull(cache_a.asset) then self.sprite_atlas_cache:Remove(asset_path) else atlas = cache_a.asset end end if not atlas then local operation_data = AddressableManager:GetInstance():LoadObjectAsync(asset_path) coroutine.waitforasyncop(operation_data) atlas = operation_data:GetAsset() operation_data:BackPool() cache_a = {asset = atlas, ref_count = 0} end if not atlas then zerror(string.format("%s not fond atlas", sprite_path)) return nil end local sprite = nil cache_a.subassets = cache_a.subassets or {} if cache_a.subassets[sub_name] then sprite = cache_a.subassets[sub_name].asset else sprite = atlas:GetSprite(sub_name) if not sprite then zerror("sprite not found:".. sprite_path .. "__" ..sub_name ) return end cache_a.subassets[sub_name] = {asset = sprite, ref_count = 0} end cache_a.subassets[sub_name].ref_count = cache_a.subassets[sub_name].ref_count + 1 cache_a.ref_count = cache_a.ref_count + 1 self.sprite_atlas_cache:Set(asset_path, cache_a) return sprite else local sprite = nil local cache_s = self.single_sprite_cache:Get(asset_path) if cache_s then if IsNull(cache_s.asset) then self.single_sprite_cache:Remove(asset_path) else sprite = cache_s.asset end end if not sprite then local operation_data = AddressableManager:GetInstance():LoadObjectAsync(asset_path) coroutine.waitforasyncop(operation_data) sprite = operation_data:GetAsset() operation_data:BackPool() cache_s = {asset = sprite, ref_count = 0} end cache_s.ref_count = cache_s.ref_count + 1 self.single_sprite_cache:Set(asset_path, cache_s) return sprite, sprite_path end end --释放图片 function M:ReleaseImage(image_path) if string.isEmpty(image_path) then return end local is_atlas, asset_path, sub_name = self:__GetSpriteInfo(sprite_path) local cacheCls = is_atlas and self.sprite_atlas_cache or self.single_sprite_cache local value = cacheCls:OnlyGet(asset_path) if value then assert(value.ref_count > 0) value.ref_count = value.ref_count - 1 if sub_name then local subassets = value.subassets or {} if subassets[sub_name] then subassets[sub_name].ref_count = subassets[sub_name].ref_count - 1 if subassets[sub_name].ref_count <= 0 then CSGameObject.Destroy(subassets[sub_name].asset) subassets[sub_name] = nil end end end cacheCls:Set(asset_path, value) end end function M:__GetSpriteInfo(sprite_path) local index = string.find(sprite_path, ATLAS_KEY) local is_atlas = index ~= nil local asset_path = nil local sub_name = nil if is_atlas then local substr = string.sub(sprite_path, index + #ATLAS_KEY) local subs = string.split(substr, "/") local prefix = string.sub(sprite_path, 0, index) if subs and #subs > 1 then --子目录会单独打成图集 最后面的子目录为图集名字 asset_path = string.format("%s%s%s", prefix, subs[#subs - 1], ".spriteatlas") sub_name = subs[#subs] else asset_path = string.format("%s%s", prefix,"Atlas.spriteatlas") sub_name = substr end local dotIndex = string.find(sub_name, '%.') sub_name = string.sub(sub_name, 1, dotIndex-1) else asset_path = sprite_path end return is_atlas, asset_path, sub_name end function M:Clear() self.sprite_atlas_cache:Traverse(function(key, value) local subasset_list = value.subassets or {} for k,v in pairs(subasset_list) do CSGameObject.Destroy(v.asset) end AddressableManager:GetInstance():ReleaseAsset(value.asset) value.asset = nil value.ref_count = nil value.subasset = nil end) self.single_sprite_cache:Traverse(function(key, value) AddressableManager:GetInstance():ReleaseAsset(value.asset) value.asset = nil value.ref_count = nil end) self.sprite_atlas_cache:Clear() self.single_sprite_cache:Clear() end return M |
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Addressable; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; public class HttpManager { public static HttpOperationData HttpGet(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headers, Dictionary<string, string> param, int timeout) { string strParam = ConvertParamToStr(param); string dest = url; if (strParam.Length > 0) { dest = url + "?" + strParam; } var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(dest); if (timeout > 0) { request.timeout = timeout; } foreach (var item in headers) { request.SetRequestHeader(item.Key, item.Value); } var operation = HttpOperationData.Get(request); request.SendWebRequest(); return operation; } public static HttpOperationData HttpPut(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headers, Dictionary<string, string> param, int timeout) { string strParam = ConvertParamToStr(param); var request = new UnityWebRequest(url + "?" + strParam, "PUT"); request.downloadHandler = (DownloadHandler)new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); foreach (var item in headers) { request.SetRequestHeader(item.Key, item.Value); } if (timeout > 0) { request.timeout = timeout; } var operation = HttpOperationData.Get(request); request.SendWebRequest(); return operation; } public static HttpOperationData HttpPost(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headers, Dictionary<string, string> param, int timeout) { string strParam = ConvertParamToStr(param); var request = new UnityWebRequest(url + "?" + strParam, "POST"); request.downloadHandler = (DownloadHandler)new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); foreach (var item in headers) { request.SetRequestHeader(item.Key, item.Value); } if (timeout > 0) { request.timeout = timeout; } var operation = HttpOperationData.Get(request); request.SendWebRequest(); return operation; } public static HttpOperationData HttpGetImageOnline(string url,bool reload, Dictionary<string, string> headers, int timeout) { //本地是否存在图片 if (!reload) { string local_path = LocalImage(url); if(File.Exists(local_path)) url = string.Format("file://{0}",local_path); } var request = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(url); if (timeout > 0) { request.timeout = timeout; } foreach (var item in headers) { request.SetRequestHeader(item.Key, item.Value); } var operation = HttpOperationData.Get(request); request.SendWebRequest(); return operation; } public static string LocalImage(string url) { string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/DownloadImage/"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); string savePath = path + GetCacheImageName(url); return savePath; } public static void SaveImageToLocal(string url, Texture2D texture) { string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/DownloadImage/"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); string save_path = path + GetCacheImageName(url); File.WriteAllBytes(save_path, texture.EncodeToPNG()); } public static bool RemoveLocalImage(string url) { string path = LocalImage(url); if (!File.Exists(path)) { return false; } File.Delete(path); return true; } public static string GetCacheImageName(string url) { byte[] input = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(url.Trim()); System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] output = md5.ComputeHash(input); string md5_url_string = System.BitConverter.ToString(output).Replace("-", "") + ".png"; return md5_url_string; } private static string ConvertParamToStr(Dictionary<string, string> param) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int flag = 0; foreach (var item in param) { if (flag == 0) { builder.Append(item.Key + "=" + item.Value); flag = 1; } else { builder.Append("&" + item.Key + "=" + item.Value); } } return builder.ToString(); } } |
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using Manager; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations; namespace Addressable { public class HttpOperationData:IEnumerator { private static Queue<HttpOperationData> pool = new Queue<HttpOperationData>(); private UnityWebRequest request; public string url { get { return request.url; } } public Texture2D texture { get { return DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(request); } } public string text { get { return request.downloadHandler.text; } } public string errorMsg { get { return request.error; } } public bool isSuccess { get { return request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.Success; } } public bool isDone { get { return request.isDone; } } //获取进度 public float progress { get { if (isDone) { return 1.0f; } return 0.0f; } } public void Reset() { } public object Current { get { return null; } } public static HttpOperationData Get(UnityWebRequest _request) { HttpOperationData operation = null; if (pool.Count > 0) { operation = pool.Dequeue(); } if (operation == null) { operation = new HttpOperationData(); } operation.Init(_request); return operation; } //回收 public void BackPool() { Dispose(); pool.Enqueue(this); } private void Init(UnityWebRequest _request) { request = _request; } public bool MoveNext() { return !isDone; } public void Dispose() { if (request != null) { request.Dispose(); request = null; } } } } |
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local base = require("Frame.Base.Manager.ManagerBase") local M = Class("Manager.HttpManager", base) local CSHttpManager = CS.HttpManager local DefaultTimeout = 3 local DefaultTrytime = 3 function M:HttpGetDefault(url, callback, ...) self:HttpGet(url, callback, nil, nil, nil, nil, ...) end function M:HttpGet(url, callback, params, headers, trytime, timeout, ...) self:__HttpRequest("Get", url, callback, params, headers, trytime, timeout, ...) end function M:HttpPut(url, callback, params, headers, trytime, timeout, ...) self:__HttpRequest("Put", url, callback, params, headers, trytime, timeout, ...) end function M:HttpPost(url, callback, params, headers, trytime, timeout, ...) self:__HttpRequest("Post", url, callback, params, headers, trytime, timeout, ...) end function M:__HttpRequest(method, url, callback, params, headers, trytime, timeout, ...) local datas = SafePack(nil, ...) coroutine.start(function() local ret = self:__CoHttpRequest(method, url, params, headers, trytime, timeout) datas[1] = ret callback(SafeUnpack(datas)) end) end function M:__CoHttpRequest(method, url, params, headers, trytime, timeout) zprint("url = ", url, " trytime = ", trytime or DefaultTrytime) params = params or {} headers = headers or {} self:__MareSureStringValue(params) self:__MareSureStringValue(headers) trytime = trytime or DefaultTrytime timeout = timeout or DefaultTimeout local opdata = nil if method == "Get" then opdata = CSHttpManager.HttpGet(url, headers, params, timeout) elseif method == "Put" then opdata = CSHttpManager.HttpPut(url, headers, params, timeout) elseif method == "Post" then opdata = CSHttpManager.HttpPost(url, headers, params, timeout) end if not opdata then zerror('__CoHttpRequest method is fail') return end coroutine.waitforasyncop(opdata) if opdata.isSuccess then local ret = opdata.text opdata:BackPool() return ret else if trytime > 1 then opdata:BackPool() return self:__CoHttpRequest(method, url, params, headers, trytime - 1, timeout) else opdata:BackPool() return nil end end end function M:HttpGetTexture2DOnline(url, callback, reload, headers, trytime, timeout) coroutine.start(function() local sprite, tex2d = self:CoHttpGetImageOnline(url, reload, headers, trytime, timeout) callback(tex2d, url) end) end function M:CoHttpGetImageOnline(url, reload, headers, trytime, timeout) zprint("url = ", url, " trytime = ", trytime or DefaultTrytime) if not reload then reload = false end headers = headers or {} timeout = timeout or DefaultTimeout + 5 trytime = trytime or DefaultTrytime self:__MareSureStringValue(headers) local opdata = CSHttpManager.HttpGetImageOnline(url, reload, headers, timeout) coroutine.waitforasyncop(opdata) if opdata.isSuccess then local tex2d = nil tex2d = opdata.texture opdata:BackPool() return tex2d else if trytime > 1 then opdata:BackPool() return self:__CoHttpGetImageOnline(url, reload, headers, trytime - 1, timeout) else opdata:BackPool() return nil end end end function M:SaveImageToLocal(url, tex2d) CSHttpManager.SaveImageToLocal(url, tex2d) end function M:__MareSureStringValue( tb ) for k,v in pairs(tb) do tb[k] = tostring(v) end end return M |
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local ManagerBase = require("Frame.Base.Manager.ManagerBase") local M = Class("Manager.ImageOnlineManager",ManagerBase) local LruCache = require("Frame.Libs.Struct.LruCache") local CSGameObject = CS.UnityEngine.GameObject function M:Init() self.sprite_cache = LruCache.New(100) self:InitSpriteCache() self.texture_cache = LruCache.New(100) self:InitTextureCache() end function M:InitSpriteCache( ) self.sprite_cache:SetCheckCanPopCallback(function(key,value) return value.ref_count == 0 end) self.sprite_cache:SetPopCallback(function(key,value) for i,v in ipairs(value.assets) do CSGameObject.Destroy(v) end value.assets = nil value.ref_count = nil end) end function M:InitTextureCache() self.texture_cache:SetCheckCanPopCallback(function(key, value) return value.ref_count == 0 end) self.texture_cache:SetPopCallback(function(key, value) for i,v in ipairs(value.assets) do CSGameObject.Destroy(v) end value.assets = nil value.ref_count = nil end) end function M:GetSpriteOnline(url, callback, reload) coroutine.start(function() local ret = self:CoGetSpriteOnline(url, reload) callback(ret, url) end) end function M:GetTexture2DOnline(url, callback, reload) coroutine.start(function() local ret = self:CoGetTexture2DOnline(url, reload) callback(ret, url) end) end function M:CoGetSpriteOnline(url, reload) local value_s = self.sprite_cache:Get(url) if value_s and not reload then if IsNull(value_s.assets) then self.sprite_cache:Remove(url) value_s = nil else value_s.ref_count = value_s.ref_count + 1 self.sprite_cache:Set(url, value_s) return value_s.assets[1] end end local ret = nil local tex2d = self:CoGetTexture2DOnline(url, reload) if tex2d then ret = CS.UnityExtends.TurnTex2DToSprite(tex2d) if value_s then --重新加载的情况 value_s.ref_count = value_s.ref_count + 1 table.insert(value_s.assets, 1, ret) else value_s = {assets = {ret}, ref_count = 1} end self.sprite_cache:Set(url, value_s) end return ret end function M:CoGetTexture2DOnline(url, reload) local value_t = self.texture_cache:Get(url) if value_t and not reload then if IsNull(value_t.assets) then self.texture_cache:Remove(url) value_t = nil else value_t.ref_count = value_t.ref_count + 1 self.texture_cache:Set(url, value_t) return value_t.assets[1] end end local ret = HttpManager:GetInstance():CoHttpGetImageOnline(url, reload, nil,nil,nil,type) if not ret then return nil end if value_t then --重新加载的情况 value_t.ref_count = value_t.ref_count + 1 table.insert(value_t.assets, 1, ret) else value_t = {assets = {ret}, ref_count = 1} end self.texture_cache:Set(url, value_t) --保存到本地 HttpManager:GetInstance():SaveImageToLocal(url, ret) return ret end --释放精灵 function M:ReleaseSprite(url) local value = self.sprite_cache:OnlyGet(url) if value and value.ref_count > 0 then value.ref_count = value.ref_count - 1 self.sprite_cache:Set(url, value) end self:ReleaseTexture2D(url) end --释放贴图 function M:ReleaseTexture2D(url) local value = self.texture_cache:OnlyGet(url) if value and value.ref_count > 0 then value.ref_count = value.ref_count - 1 self.texture_cache:Set(url, value) end end function M:Clear() self.sprite_cache:Traverse(function(key, value) for i,v in ipairs(value.assets) do CSGameObject.Destroy(v) end value.assets = nil value.ref_count = nil end) self.sprite_cache:Clear() self.texture_cache:Traverse(function(key, value) for i,v in ipairs(value.assets) do CSGameObject.Destroy(v) end value.assets = nil value.ref_count = nil end) self.texture_cache:Clear() end return M |
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local M = Class("Base.Component.UIImage",UIBaseComponent) local base = UIBaseComponent function M:Awake() base.Awake(self) self.unity_image = self.transform:GetComponent(typeof(CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image)) end -- 设置Sprite名称 function M:SetSpritePath(sprite_path) if string.isEmpty(sprite_path) then return end if self.sprite_path == sprite_path then return end if not string.isEmpty(self.online_image_true_url) then ImageOnlineManager:GetInstance():ReleaseImage(self.online_image_true_url) self.online_image_true_url = nil end self.online_image_url = nil self.sprite_path = sprite_path if IsNull(self.unity_image) or string.isEmpty(sprite_path) then return end ImageLoaderManager:GetInstance():LoadSprite(sprite_path, function(sprite, sprite_path) --预设已经被销毁 或 被加载的Sprite不是当前想要的Sprite:可能预设被复用,之前的加载操作就要作废 if IsNull(self.unity_image) or string.isEmpty(self.sprite_path) or sprite_path ~= self.sprite_path then ImageLoaderManager:GetInstance():ReleaseImage(sprite_path) return end if not string.isEmpty(self.sprite_true_path) then ImageLoaderManager:GetInstance():ReleaseImage(self.sprite_true_path) end self.sprite_true_path = sprite_path self.unity_image.sprite = sprite end) end --设置在线精灵 function M:SetSpriteOnline(url, reload) if string.isEmpty(url) then return end if IsNull(self.unity_image) then return end if self.online_image_url == url and not reload then return end if not string.isEmpty(self.sprite_true_path) then ImageLoaderManager:GetInstance():ReleaseImage(self.sprite_true_path) self.sprite_true_path = nil end self.sprite_path = nil self.online_image_url = url ImageOnlineManager:GetInstance():GetSpriteOnline(url, function(sprite, cur_url) if IsNull(self.unity_image) or string.isEmpty(self.online_image_url) or self.online_image_url ~= cur_url then ImageOnlineManager:GetInstance():ReleaseSprite(cur_url) return end if not string.isEmpty(self.online_image_true_url) then ImageOnlineManager:GetInstance():ReleaseSprite(self.online_image_true_url) end self.unity_image.sprite = sprite self.online_image_true_url = self.online_image_url end, reload) end function M:dtor() if not string.isEmpty(self.sprite_true_path) then ImageLoaderManager:GetInstance():ReleaseImage(self.sprite_true_path) self.sprite_true_path = nil end if not string.isEmpty(self.online_image_true_url) then ImageOnlineManager:GetInstance():ReleaseSprite(self.online_image_true_url) self.online_image_true_url = nil end self.unity_image = nil end return M |
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public static Sprite TurnTex2DToSprite(Texture2D texture) { return Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); } |