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参考模仿:smilehao/xlua-framework: Unity游戏纯lua客户端完整框架---基于xlua,整合tolua的proto-gen-lua以及各个lua库和工具类 (github.com)
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--[[ -- 组件基类:所有组件从这里继承 -- 说明: -- 1、采用基于组件的设计方式,容器类负责管理和调度子组件,实现类似于Unity中挂载脚本的功能 -- 2、组件对应Unity原生的各种Component和Script,容器对应Unity原生的GameObject -- 3、写逻辑时完全不需要关注脚本调度,在cs中脚本函数怎么调度的,这里就怎么调度,只是要注意接口变动,lua侧没有Get、Set访问器 -- 注意: -- 1、Lua侧组件的名字并不总是和Unity侧组件名字同步,Lua侧组件名字会作为组件系统中组件的标识 -- 2、Lua侧组件名字会在组件创建时提取Unity侧组件名字,随后二者没有任何关联,Unity侧组件名字可以随便改 -- 3、虽然Unity侧组件名字随后可以随意改,但是不建议(有GC),此外Lua侧组件一旦创建,使用时全部以Lua侧名字为准 -- 5、需要定时刷新的界面,最好启用定时器、协程,界面需要刷新的频率一般较低,倒计时之类的只需要每秒钟更新一次即可 --]] local setmetatable = setmetatable local getmetatable = getmetatable local assert = assert local type = type local rawget = rawget local rawset = rawset local M = Class("Frame.Base.BaseComponent") local COMP_STATE_NONE = 0 local COMP_STATE_ENABLE = 1 local COMP_STATE_DISABLE = 2 -- 构造函数:除非特殊情况,所有子类不要再写这个函数,初始化工作放Awake -- 多种重载方式: -- 1、ComponentTypeClass.New(relative_path) -- 2、ComponentTypeClass.New(child_index) -- 3、ComponentTypeClass.New(unity_gameObject) -- 4、ComponentTypeClass.New(lua_component) function M:ctor(holder, var_arg) -- 持有者 容器 self.holder = holder -- 脚本绑定的transform self.transform = nil -- transform对应的gameObject self.gameObject = nil -- 名字:Unity中获取Transform的名字是有GC的,而Lua侧组件大量使用了名字,所以这里缓存下 self.__name = nil -- 可变类型参数,用于重载 self.__var_arg = var_arg self.enable_state = COMP_STATE_NONE self.active_state = nil --需要的时候再和c#交互,不需要一创建的时候就去获取 local meta = getmetatable(self) or {} setmetatable(self, { __index = function(t, k) local var = meta.__index[k] if var ~= nil then return var end if k == "transform" then local __var_arg = rawget(t, "__var_arg") local __holder = rawget(t, "holder") local value if type(__var_arg) == "string" then value = __holder.transform:Find(__var_arg) elseif type(__var_arg) == "number" then value = __holder.transform:GetChild(__var_arg) elseif type(__var_arg) == "userdata" then value = __var_arg.transform elseif type(__var_arg) == "table" then value = __var_arg.transform assert(value, "__var_arg must LuaObj") end rawset(t, k, value) return value elseif k == "gameObject" then local transform = t.transform if transform ~= nil then local value = t.transform.gameObject if value ~= nil then rawset(t, k, value) return value end end end end }) end -- 创建 function M:Awake() --[[ 创建组件时,如果传入的参数是string, 说明是指定路径,设置组件名为路径,如果不这样设置,两不同路径相同组件创建时将差别是重复 ]] if type(self.__var_arg) == "string" then self.__name = self.__var_arg else self.__name = self.gameObject.name end end --提供给容器调用 容器显示调用 function M:CallOnEnable(...) if self.enable_state == COMP_STATE_ENABLE then return end if not self:GetActive() then return end self.enable_state = COMP_STATE_ENABLE self:OnEnable(...) end -- 打开 function M:OnEnable(...) -- 启用更新函数 end --提供给容器调用 容器隐藏调用 function M:CallOnDisable(...) if self.enable_state == COMP_STATE_DISABLE then return end if not self:GetActive() then return end self.enable_state = COMP_STATE_DISABLE self:OnDisable(...) end -- 关闭 function M:OnDisable(...) -- 禁用更新函数 end function M:IsEnableState() return self.enable_state == COMP_STATE_ENABLE end function M:IsDisableState() return self.enable_state == COMP_STATE_DISABLE end -- 获取名字 function M:GetName() return self.__name end -- 设置名字 function M:SetName(name) if self.holder and self.holder.OnComponentSetName ~= nil then self.holder:OnComponentSetName(self, name) end self.__name = name end -- 激活、反激活 function M:SetActive(active, ...) if self.active_state == active then return end self.active_state = active if active then self.gameObject:SetActive(active) self.enable_param = {...} self.enable_state = COMP_STATE_ENABLE self:OnEnable(...) else self.gameObject:SetActive(active) self.disable_param = {...} self.enable_state = COMP_STATE_DISABLE self:OnDisable(...) end end -- 获取激活状态 function M:GetActive() if self.active_state == nil and self.gameObject then return self.gameObject.activeSelf else return self.active_state end end --设置参考位置 function M:SetPosition( vec3 ) self.transform.localPosition = vec3 end --设置参考位置 function M:GetPosition( ) return self.transform.localPosition end --设置世界坐标 function M:SetWorldPosition( vec3 ) self.transform.position = vec3 end --获取世界坐标 function M:GetWorldPosition( ) return self.transform.position end --设置旋转角度 function M:SetLocalEulerAngle( vec3 ) self.transform.localEulerAngles = vec3 end --设置缩放 function M:SetLocalScale( x, y, z ) self.transform.localScale = Vector3.New(x, y, z or 1) end -- 析构函数 function M:dtor() if self.holder and type(self.holder) ~= "userdata" and self.holder.OnComponentDestroy ~= nil then --通知容器 组件销毁了 self.holder:OnComponentDestroy(self) end self.holder = nil self.transform = nil self.gameObject = nil self.__name = nil self.enable_param = nil self.disable_param = nil end return M |
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--[[ -- UI组件基类:所有UI组件从这里继承 -- 说明: -- 1、采用基于组件的设计方式,容器类负责管理和调度子组件,实现类似于Unity中挂载脚本的功能 -- 2、组件对应Unity原生的各种Component和Script,容器对应Unity原生的GameObject -- 3、写逻辑时完全不需要关注脚本调度,在cs中脚本函数怎么调度的,这里就怎么调度,只是要注意接口变动,lua侧没有Get、Set访问器 -- 注意: -- 1、Lua侧组件的名字并不总是和Unity侧组件名字同步,Lua侧组件名字会作为组件系统中组件的标识 -- 2、Lua侧组件名字会在组件创建时提取Unity侧组件名字,随后二者没有任何关联,Unity侧组件名字可以随便改 -- 3、虽然Unity侧组件名字随后可以随意改,但是不建议(有GC),此外Lua侧组件一旦创建,使用时全部以Lua侧名字为准 -- 5、需要定时刷新的界面,最好启用定时器、协程,界面需要刷新的频率一般较低,倒计时之类的只需要每秒钟更新一次即可 --]] local setmetatable = setmetatable local getmetatable = getmetatable local rawset = rawset local M = Class("Frame.Base.UIBaseComponent", BaseComponent) -- 构造函数:除非特殊情况,所有子类不要再写这个函数,初始化工作放Awake -- 多种重载方式: -- 1、ComponentTypeClass.New(relative_path) -- 2、ComponentTypeClass.New(child_index) -- 3、ComponentTypeClass.New(unity_gameObject) -- 4、ComponentTypeClass.New(lua_component) function M:ctor(holder, var_arg) -- trasnform对应的RectTransform self.rectTransform = nil --需要的时候再和c#交互,不需要一创建的时候就去获取 local meta = getmetatable(self) or {} setmetatable(self, { __index = function(t, k) local var = meta.__index(t,k) if var ~= nil then return var end if k == "rectTransform" then local transform = t.transform if transform ~= nil then local value = transform:GetComponent(CSTypeRectTransform) if value ~= nil then rawset(t, k, value) return value end end end end }) end function M:SetSizeDelta(size) self.rectTransform.sizeDelta = size end function M:GetSizeDelta() return self.rectTransform.sizeDelta; end function M:GetAnchoredPosition() return self.rectTransform.anchoredPosition end function M:SetAnchoredPosition( x, y ) self.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(x, y) end function M:GetAnchoredPosX() return self.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.x end function M:SetAnchoredPosX(x) self.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(x, self.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.y) end function M:GetAnchoredPosY() return self.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.y end function M:SetAnchoredPosY(y) self.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(self.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.x, y) end function M:GetRect( ) return self.rectTransform.rect end -- 析构函数 function M:dtor() self.rectTransform = nil end return M |
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--[[ -- UI容器基类:当一个UI组件持有其它UI组件时,它就是一个容器类,它要负责调度其它UI组件的相关函数 -- 注意: -- 1、window.view是窗口最上层的容器类 -- 2、AddComponent用来添加组件,一般在window.view的OnCreate中使用,RemoveComponent相反 -- 3、GetComponent用来获取组件,GetComponents用来获取一个类别的组件 -- 4、很重要:子组件必须保证名字互斥,即一个不同的名字要保证对应于Unity中一个不同的Transform --]] local M = Class("Frame.Base.BaseContainer", UIBaseComponent) local base = UIBaseComponent M:Include(require("Frame.Base.Component.BaseContainerInterface")) function M:Awake() base.Awake(self) self.components = {} -- 二位数组 [component_name][component_class] self.length = 0 end -- 打开 function M:OnEnable() base.OnEnable(self) self:Walk(function(component) component:CallOnEnable(table.unpack(component.enable_param or {})) end) end -- 关闭 function M:OnDisable() base.OnDisable(self) self:Walk(function(component) component:CallOnDisable(table.unpack(component.disable_param or {})) end) end return M |
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local M = {} -- 遍历:注意,这里是无序的 function M:Walk(callback, component_class) for _,components in pairs(self.components or {}) do for cmp_class,component in pairs(components) do if component_class == nil then callback(component) elseif cmp_class == component_class then callback(component) end end end end -- 如果必要,创建新的记录,对应Unity下一个Transform下所有挂载脚本的记录表 function M:AddNewRecordIfNeeded(name) if self.components[name] == nil then self.components[name] = {} end end -- 记录Component function M:RecordComponent(name, component_class, component) -- 同一个Transform不能挂两个同类型的组件 assert(self.components[name][component_class] == nil, "Aready exist component_class : ", component_class.__cname) self.components[name][component_class] = component end -- 子组件改名回调 function M:OnComponentSetName(component, new_name) self:AddNewRecordIfNeeded(new_name) -- 该名字对应Unity的Transform下挂载的所有脚本都要改名 local old_name = component:GetName() local components = self.components[old_name] for k,v in pairs(components) do v:SetName(new_name) self:RecordComponent(new_name, k, v) end self.components[old_name] = nil end -- 子组件销毁 function M:OnComponentDestroy(component) self.length = self.length - 1 end -- 添加组件 -- 多种重载方式 -- 1、直接添加Lua侧组件:inst:AddComponent(ComponentTypeClass, luaComponentInst) -- 2、指定Lua侧组件类型和必要参数,新建组件并添加,多种重载方式: -- A)inst:AddComponent(ComponentTypeClass, relative_path) -- B)inst:AddComponent(ComponentTypeClass, child_index) -- C)inst:AddComponent(ComponentTypeClass, unity_gameObject) -- D)inst:AddComponent(ComponentTypeClass, lua_component) function M:AddComponent(component_target, var_arg, ...) local component_inst = nil local component_class = nil if type(var_arg) == "table" then component_inst = var_arg component_class = var_arg._class_type else component_inst = component_target.New(self, var_arg) component_class = component_target component_inst:Awake(...) end local name = component_inst:GetName() --var_arg为string时则将其作为name self:AddNewRecordIfNeeded(name) self:RecordComponent(name, component_class, component_inst) self.length = self.length + 1 return component_inst end function M:GetOrAddComponent(component_target, var_arg, ...) local components = self.components[var_arg] if components and components[component_target] then return components[component_target] end return self:AddComponent(component_target, var_arg, ...) end -- 获取组件 function M:GetComponent(name, component_class) local components = self.components[name] if components == nil then return nil end if component_class == nil then -- 必须只有一个组件才能不指定类型,这一点由外部代码保证 assert(table.count(components) == 1, "Must specify component_class while there are more then one component!") for _,component in pairs(components) do return component end else return components[component_class] end end -- 获取一系列组件:2种重载方式 -- 1、获取一个类别的组件 -- 2、获取某个name(Transform)下的所有组件 function M:GetComponents(component_target) local components = {} if type(component_target) == "table" then self:Walk(function(component) table.insert(components, component) end, component_target) elseif type(component_target) == "string" then components = self.components[component_target] else error("GetComponents params err!") end return components end -- 获取组件个数 function M:GetComponentsCount() return self.length end -- 移除组件 function M:RemoveComponent(name, component_class) local component = self:GetComponent(name, component_class) if component ~= nil then local cmp_class = component._class_type component:Dispose() self.components[name][cmp_class] = nil end end -- 移除一系列组件:2种重载方式 -- 1、移除一个类别的组件 -- 2、移除某个name(Transform)下的所有组件 function M:RemoveComponents(component_target) local components = self:GetComponents(component_target) for _,component in pairs(components) do local cmp_name = component:GetName() local cmp_class = component._class_type component:Dispose() self.components[cmp_name][cmp_class] = nil end return components end -- 销毁 function M:dtor() self:Walk(function(component) -- 说明:现在一个组件可以被多个容器持有,但是holder只有一个,所以由holder去释放 if component.holder == self then component:Dispose() end end) self.components = {} end return M |
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M.UIBuild = { { CameraDepth = 0, UILayers = { -- 场景UI,如:点击建筑查看建筑信息---一般置于场景之上,界面UI之下 SceneLayer = { Name = "SceneLayer", PlaneDistance = 1000, OrderInLayer = 0, }, -- 主界面、全屏的一些界面 BackgroudLayer = { Name = "BackgroudLayer", PlaneDistance = 1000, OrderInLayer = 1000, }, -- 普通UI,一级、二级、三级等窗口---一般由用户点击打开的多级窗口 NormalLayer = { Name = "NormalLayer", PlaneDistance = 800, OrderInLayer = 2000, }, -- 提示UI,如:错误弹窗,网络连接弹窗等 TipLayer = { Name = "TipLayer", PlaneDistance = 600, OrderInLayer = 3000, }, -- 顶层UI,如:场景加载 TopLayer = { Name = "TopLayer", PlaneDistance = 400, OrderInLayer = 4000, }, } } } |
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function M:ctor() self.layers = {} --所有可用的层级 self:__Init() end function M:__Init() self.Resolution = Vector2.New(FrameConst.DesignScreen_Width, FrameConst.DesignScreen_Height) self:SetUIbuildConfig( FrameConfig.UIBuild ) end function M:SetUIbuildConfig( config ) self.layers = {} for i,v in ipairs(config) do self:UIBuildGenerator(v) end end function M:UIBuildGenerator( config ) GameObjectManager:GetInstance():GetAssetInstance("Common/Prefabs/UIRoot.prefab", function(obj) self.ui_root = obj CSGameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(obj) local camera_trans = obj.transform:Find("UICamera") local camera = camera_trans:GetComponent(typeof( CS.UnityEngine.Camera )) camera.depth = config.CameraDepth or 0 camera.clearFlags = CS.UnityEngine.CameraClearFlags.Nothing local layers = config.UILayers table.walksort(layers, function(lkey, rkey) return layers[lkey].OrderInLayer < layers[rkey].OrderInLayer end, function(index, layer) assert(self.layers[layer.Name] == nil, "Aready exist layer : "..layer.Name) local go = CSGoFind(layer.Name) if not go then go = CSGameObject(layer.Name) local trans = go.transform trans:SetParent(obj.transform, false) end local new_layer = UILayer.New(obj.transform, layer.Name) new_layer:Awake(layer, camera) self.layers[layer.Name] = new_layer end) end) end |
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--[[ -- Lua侧UILayer --]] local M = Class("UILayer", UIBaseComponent) local base = UIBaseComponent -- 创建 function M:Awake(layer, camera) base.Awake(self) -- Unity侧原生组件 self.unity_canvas = nil self.unity_canvas_scaler = nil self.unity_graphic_raycaster = nil -- ui layer self.gameObject.layer = 5 -- canvas self.unity_canvas = self.gameObject:AddComponent(typeof(CS.UnityEngine.Canvas)) -- 说明:很坑爹,这里添加UI组件以后transform会Unity被替换掉,必须重新获取 self.transform = self.unity_canvas.transform self.gameObject = self.unity_canvas.gameObject self.unity_canvas.renderMode = CS.UnityEngine.RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera self.unity_canvas.worldCamera = camera self.unity_canvas.planeDistance = layer.PlaneDistance self.unity_canvas.sortingLayerName = FrameConfig.SortingLayerNames.UI self.unity_canvas.sortingOrder = layer.OrderInLayer -- scaler self.unity_canvas_scaler = self.gameObject:AddComponent(typeof(CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler)) self.unity_canvas_scaler.uiScaleMode = CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScaleMode.ScaleWithScreenSize self.unity_canvas_scaler.screenMatchMode = CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScreenMatchMode.MatchWidthOrHeight self.unity_canvas_scaler.referenceResolution = UIManager:GetInstance().Resolution if CS_SCREEN_W/CS_SCREEN_H > FrameConst.DesignScreen_Width/FrameConst.DesignScreen_Height then self.unity_canvas_scaler.matchWidthOrHeight = 1 else self.unity_canvas_scaler.matchWidthOrHeight = 0 end -- raycaster self.unity_graphic_raycaster = self.gameObject:AddComponent(typeof(CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster)) end --设置canvas的worldCamera function M:SetCanvasWorldCamera(camera) --需要切换layer下面所有layer不对的情况 local old_camera = self.unity_canvas.worldCamera if old_camera ~= camera then self.unity_canvas.worldCamera = camera end end function M:GetCanvasLayer() return self.gameObject.layer end function M:GetCanvasSize() return self.rectTransform.rect.size end -- 销毁 function M:dtor() self.unity_canvas = nil self.unity_canvas_scaler = nil self.unity_graphic_raycaster = nil end return M |
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--[[ -- UIWindow数据,用以表示一个窗口 -- 注意: -- 1、窗口名字必须和预设名字一致 --]] local UIWindow = { -- 窗口名字 Name = "Background", -- Layer层级 Layer = 0, -- View实例 View = UIBaseView, -- 是否激活 Active = false, -- ui配置 VIEW_CONFIG = {}, -- 是否正在加载 IsLoading = false, } return Class("UIWindow", UIWindow) |
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local M = Class("UIBaseView", UIBaseContainer) local base = UIBaseContainer M.VIEW_CONFIG = { Layer = "NormalLayer", PrefabPath = nil, } -- 构造函数:必须把基类需要的所有参数列齐---即使在这里不用,提高代码可读性 -- 子类别再写构造函数,初始化工作放OnCreate function M:ctor(holder, var_arg) end -- 创建:资源加载完毕 function M:OnCreate() base.OnCreate(self) end -- 打开:窗口显示 function M:OnEnable(...) base.OnEnable(self) end -- 关闭:窗口隐藏 function M:OnDisable() base.OnDisable(self) end --关闭窗口 function M:CloseSelf() UIManager:GetInstance():CloseWindow(self:GetName()) end function M:DestroySelf() UIManager:GetInstance():DestroyWindow(self:GetName()) end function M:GetRootGameObjectByName( name ) local scene_script = SceneManager:GetInstance():GetCurentSceneScript() if scene_script then return scene_script:GetRootGameObjectByName(name) end return nil end -- 销毁:窗口销毁 function M:dtor() end return M |
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--[[ fd: UI管理类,所有UI都应该通过该管理类进行创建 提供UI操作、UI层级、UI消息、UI资源加载、UI调度、UI缓存等管理 ]] local CSGameObject = CS.UnityEngine.GameObject local CSGoFind = CSGameObject.Find local base = require("Frame.Base.Manager.ManagerBase") local M = Class("UIManager", base) local IsNull = IsNull function M:ctor() self.windows = {} --所有存活的窗体 {ui_name:window} self.layers = {} --所有可用的层级 self:__Init() end function M:__Init() self.Resolution = Vector2.New(FrameConst.DesignScreen_Width, FrameConst.DesignScreen_Height) self:SetUIbuildConfig( FrameConfig.UIBuild ) end function M:SetUIbuildConfig( config ) self.layers = {} for i,v in ipairs(config) do self:UIBuildGenerator(v) end end function M:UIBuildGenerator( config ) GameObjectManager:GetInstance():GetAssetInstance("Common/Prefabs/UIRoot.prefab", function(obj) self.ui_root = obj CSGameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(obj) local camera_trans = obj.transform:Find("UICamera") local camera = camera_trans:GetComponent(typeof( CS.UnityEngine.Camera )) camera.depth = config.CameraDepth or 0 camera.clearFlags = CS.UnityEngine.CameraClearFlags.Nothing local layers = config.UILayers table.walksort(layers, function(lkey, rkey) return layers[lkey].OrderInLayer < layers[rkey].OrderInLayer end, function(index, layer) assert(self.layers[layer.Name] == nil, "Aready exist layer : "..layer.Name) local go = CSGoFind(layer.Name) if not go then go = CSGameObject(layer.Name) local trans = go.transform trans:SetParent(obj.transform, false) end local new_layer = UILayer.New(obj.transform, layer.Name) new_layer:Awake(layer, camera) self.layers[layer.Name] = new_layer end) end) end function M:Broadcast(e_type, ...) CallEvent(e_type, ...) end --@brief 获取UI窗口 function M:GetWindow(ui_name, active, view_active) local target = self.windows[ui_name] if target == nil then return nil end if active ~= nil and target.Active ~= active then return nil end if view_active ~= nil and target.View:GetActive() ~= view_active then return nil end return target end function M:GetView(ui_name) local target = self.windows[ui_name] if target == nil then return nil end return target.View end function M:GetLayer(layer) return self.layers[layer] end --@brief 初始化window function M:__InitWindow(ui_name, window) local luaClass = require(ui_name) local VIEW_CONFIG = luaClass.VIEW_CONFIG assert(VIEW_CONFIG ~= nil, "No VIEW_CONFIG : "..ui_name) local layer = self.layers[VIEW_CONFIG.Layer] assert(layer, "No layer named : "..ui_name..".You should create it first!") window.Name = ui_name window.View = luaClass.New(layer, window.Name) window.Active = false window.Layer = layer window.VIEW_CONFIG = VIEW_CONFIG self:Broadcast(FrameEvent.UIFRAME_ON_WINDOW_CREATE, window) return window end --@brief 激活窗口 function M:__ActivateWindow(target, ...) assert(target) assert(target.IsLoading == false, "You can only activate window after prefab loaded!") target.View.transform:SetAsLastSibling() target.View:SetActive(true, ...) self:Broadcast(FrameEvent.UIFRAME_ON_WINDOW_OPEN, target) end --@brief 反激活窗口 function M:__Deactivate(target) if target.View == nil or target.View.transform == nil then return end target.View:SetActive(false) self:Broadcast(FrameEvent.UIFRAME_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE, target) end --@brief 打开窗口-私有 function M:__InnerOpenWindow(useCroutine, target, ...) assert(target) assert(target.View) assert(target.Active == false, "You should close window before open again!") target.Active = true local has_view = target.View ~= UIBaseView local has_prefab_res = target.VIEW_CONFIG.PrefabPath and #target.VIEW_CONFIG.PrefabPath > 0 local has_loaded = not IsNull(target.View.gameObject) local need_load = has_view and has_prefab_res and not has_loaded if not need_load then self:__ActivateWindow(target, ...) else target.View.__temp_params = SafePack(...) if target.IsLoading then --正在加载时 不要再次加载资源了 return end target.IsLoading = true local function OnLoadGameObjectDone(go) if IsNull(go) then zprint( string.format("UIManager InnerOpenWindow %s faild", target.VIEW_CONFIG.PrefabPath) ) return end local trans = go.transform trans:SetParent(target.Layer.transform, false) trans.name = target.Name target.IsLoading = false target.View:Awake() if target.Active then self:__ActivateWindow(target, SafeUnpack(target.View.__temp_params)) target.View.__temp_params = nil else self:__Deactivate(target) end end if useCroutine then local go = GameObjectManager:GetInstance():CoGetAssetInstance(target.VIEW_CONFIG.PrefabPath) OnLoadGameObjectDone(go) else GameObjectManager:GetInstance():GetAssetInstance(target.VIEW_CONFIG.PrefabPath, OnLoadGameObjectDone) end end end --@brief 关闭窗口-私有 function M:__InnnerCloseWindow(target) assert(target) assert(target.View) if target.Active then self:__Deactivate(target) target.Active = false end end --@brief 判断窗口是否打开 function M:IsActiveWindow(ui_name) local target = self:GetWindow(ui_name) if not target then return false end return target.Active end function M:__OpenWindow(useCroutine, ui_name, ...) local target = self:GetWindow(ui_name) if not target then local window = UIWindow.New() self.windows[ui_name] = window target = self:__InitWindow(ui_name, window) end --先关闭 self:__InnnerCloseWindow(target) self:__InnerOpenWindow(useCroutine, target, ...) return target.View end --@brief 协程方式打开窗口 function M:CoOpenWindow(ui_name, ...) self:__OpenWindow(true, ui_name, ...) end --@brief 异步方式打开窗口 function M:OpenWindow(ui_name, ...) return self:__OpenWindow(false, ui_name, ...) end --@brief 关闭窗口-只是设置为隐藏 function M:CloseWindow(ui_name) local target = self:GetWindow(ui_name, true) if not target then return end self:__InnnerCloseWindow(target) end --@brief 关闭层级所有窗口 function M:CloseWindowByLayer(layer, except_ui_names) except_ui_names = except_ui_names or {} local dict_ui_names = {} for k, ui_name in pairs(except_ui_names) do dict_ui_names[ui_name] = true end for ui_name, v in pairs(self.windows) do if v.Layer:GetName() == layer.Name and not dict_ui_names[ui_name] then self:CloseWindow(ui_name) end end end -- 关闭其它层级窗口 function M:CloseWindowExceptLayer(layer) for _,v in pairs(self.windows) do if v.Layer:GetName() ~= layer.Name then self:__InnnerCloseWindow(v) end end end --@brief 关闭所有窗口 function M:CloseAllWindows() for _,v in pairs(self.windows) do self:__InnnerCloseWindow(v) end end function M:__InnerDestroyWindow(target) self:Broadcast(FrameEvent.UIFRAME_ON_WINDOW_DESTROY, target) GameObjectManager:GetInstance():RecycleObject(target.View.gameObject) target.View:Dispose() self.windows[target.Name] = nil end --@brief 销毁窗口-会将预设回收到内存池中 function M:DestroyWindow(ui_name) local target = self:GetWindow(ui_name) if not target then return end self:CloseWindow(ui_name) self:__InnerDestroyWindow(target) end function M:DestroyWindowExceptNames(except_ui_names) local dict_ui_names = {} for k, ui_name in pairs(except_ui_names) do dict_ui_names[ui_name] = true end for k, v in pairs(self.windows) do if not dict_ui_names[v.Name] then self:DestroyWindow(v.Name) end end end --@brief 销毁层级所有窗口 function M:DestroyWindowByLayer(layer) for k,v in pairs(self.windows) do if v.Layer:GetName() == layer.Name then self:DestroyWindow(v.Name) end end end function M:DestroyWindowExceptLayer(layer) for k,v in pairs(self.windows) do if v.Layer:GetName() ~= layer.Name then self:DestroyWindow(v.Name) end end end function M:DestroyAllWindow() for k,v in pairs(self.windows) do self:DestroyWindow(v.Name) end end function M:IsActiveWindowByLayer(layer) local has = false for ui_name, v in pairs(self.windows) do if v.Layer:GetName() == layer.Name and v.View:GetActive() then has = true break end end return has end --用来调用界面方法 function M:Notify(ui_name, funcname, ...) if not self:IsActiveWindow(ui_name) then return end local view = self:GetView(ui_name) if view and view[funcname] then xpcall(view[funcname](view, ...), function(err) end) end end function M:dtor() self:DestroyAllWindow() if self.ui_root then CSGameObject.Destroy(self.ui_root) end end return M |
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local M = { UIWindowNames = { StudyAudioPanel = "Hall.Views.StudyAudioPanel", } } UIManager:GetInstance():OpenWindow( M.UIWindowNames.StudyAudioPanel ) UIManager:GetInstance():CloseWindow( M.UIWindowNames.StudyAudioPanel ) |